2009 Grand Rapids Cruise

I only had my phone with me for pics, but the one shot I did get tells soooo much about the fun we had

After a FINE exhibition of LIGTH-EM-UP......

The lead car, now pointed the wrong direction after being drug back to the scene of the crime by the man in blue, Offplaneroberts. Car number two, with occupants sitting low in the seats as if they will not be noticed, itsonlyapesb!fehr's. Car number three with owner dutchtreatvanderwal, so kindly holding the umbrella.  The umbrella treat did not help.  And car number four with no occupant?  Well someone had to take the picture ....


Photos from Jim Vander Wal

The rest of the Grand Rapids Cruise Fun

Pam and Jeannine

April without Ray

Tammy without Dan

Paula, Linda, Larry and Rod

Steve without Linda, Jeannine and Larry - interesting how Mini's are bigger than Cobras

Ron - the trouble maker

Steve without Pam

Mike and Ian

Craig and Vic

I know that's Vic because he left me his autograph   



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